212 Whitesides Hall, CPO #2840
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Office: 828.251.6808
Fax: 828.255.7110
Email: humanities@unca.edu
Faculty members may be conducting their office hours virtually. Please contact them directly for details and availability.
- Lecturer in Education; Coordinator of 6-12 Social Studies Licensure
- rchapman@unca.edu
- 251-6768
- 119 Zageir Hall
- Humanities 214 Coordinator, Lecturer of Art History
- ebares@unca.edu
- 7724
- 213 Owen Hall
- HUM 324 Coordinator ; Associate Professor of History
- adunn1@unca.edu
- 251-6620
- 206 Whitesides Hall
- Department Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
- munderhi@unca.edu
- 6976
- 206 Zageir Hall
- Chair & Associate Professor of Drama; Coordinator of K-12 Theatre Arts Licensure, LA 478 Coordinator
- lkloeppe@unca.edu
- 251-6940
- 112 Whitesides Hall
- NEH Distinguished Professor; Professor of Music
- wbares@unca.edu
- 250-2312
- 222 Lipinsky Hall
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Humanities 414 Coordinator
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- Adjunct Lecturer
- Adjunct Lecturer
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- bcahoon@unca.edu
- 250-2394
- 220 Whitesides Hall
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- tflaum@unca.edu
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- aheston@unca.edu
- 232-5039
- 120 Whitesides Hall
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- jjohns22@unca.edu
- Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
- glyon@unca.edu
- Adjunct Instructor of Sociology & Humanities
- kmcenany@unca.edu
- 6808
- 212 Whitesides Hall
- Adjunct Professor of Humanities
- jphilli2@unca.edu
- Humanities Administrative Assistant
- asevera@unca.edu
- 212 Whitesides Hall